Associate staff ------------------------------------------------- Title:* Please select... MrMrsMsDrRev Full name (chinese name):* First name:* Surname:* Partner title: Please select... MrMrs MsDr Rev Partner title: First name of partner: Surname of partner: Home address (Inc. Postcode):* Home Phone:* office Phone: Mobile phone:* Month and Year of Birth:* (MM/YYYY) Church Membership and Church Address:* Campus(es) being / to be ministered and campus address(es):* Christian services:* You may attach a resume for the following info: Education including seminary education if applicable, institution, address, dates, degree* Professional experience, including current employer (organization, address, dates, responsibilities):* Reference:* Name, Relationship, Tel, Email: I’ve read the above Associate Staff Job Description and Application Guideline and agree to keep mutual fellowship and collaboration with AFC, including praying for each other and supporting & promoting AFC ministries. Agree* Date this form was completed:* Email:* Confirm Email :* 验证码 :* 点击获取验证码 - Submit -